

THE REACTABLE - a new musical instrument

   / Instruments, Technology          (posted in Danish 2011 Nov. 12th)

In recent years, interesting "musical instruments" / synthesizers / beatboxes with multi-touch screen (mostly used by electronica artists) has emerged.

The "Reactable" was invented at the University of Barcelona  5 years ago.

It is in fact a computer / synthesizer placed under a circular transparent "board".

Maybe a video just to give an impression of what it really is, will be suitable. First a remix of Rihanna's  Don't Stop The Music , (give it just 45 seconds to start ... and turn off  advertising: click gears > annotaions off) performed on Reactable by "Robbo" ...

A video projector illuminates the tabletop from below.

The important "Tangibles" lies at the edge of the Reactable. A Tangible is a small block with a colored geometric pattern below (and some has patterns on the sides, so the block can be reversed) ...

One notes i.a. that the large / tall block is the one that "contains" audio samples of vocals and so on.

Below: a newer, longer track by ReacTJ, with more blocks in use, but with half a minute before sound starts, then 1½ minute intro - doesn't really "start" until after 4½ minutes.

The computer is programmed to recognize the blocks and each block has different functions (see Basic Demo in the links at the bottom) that affect / create the sound to be output, e.g. rhythm, frequency, samples etc.

Next: the German techno DJ Oliver Huntemann live in a show at The Arches in Glasgow. The music and the show is quite special, but fascinating. He can also be heard on Spotify. More about Oliver Huntemann at the end of the article.

The blocks on The Reactable can be grouped and then they interact. You control the settings of each block by turning it, or use a "panel" that lights up around the block on the table top, with your fingers.

Below: Robbo once more (featuring VP).

There are artists who have started using Reactables now, mostly at electronica / DJ shows. Björk had one on her Voltaic tour ... here she is with the song Declare Independence, which features the Reactable as one of several multitouch instruments. (Fun fact: check at 4:00 - Paul McCartney stands backstage having a good time.)

One of the reasons the Reactable is not yet as widespread, is that it costs up to € 50,000 - ... they are being displayed at shows and big nightclubs, and some technology museums have bought one.

EDIT: Prices have dropped, they can now be bought for between € 6.100,- and € 7.070,- in Europe, depending on whether you want bags and expansion sets, and whether you pick it up in Barcelona or you need delivery.

For ordinary people, Reactable released apps for both iOS (iPhone / iPad) and Android (Phones / Tabs / Pads) for a reasonable price, and they are also quite interesting.

Above we saw a demo / a-half track of Beautyful Life from Gui Borattos new interactive reactable album. An album where he has remixed 4 hits, you can watch, listen and even remix in real time, while the music plays on tablets or smartphones.

That is a very interesting development. Link to the album and Oliver Huntemann's interactive album in App Store / Google Play are below.

M U S I C Click:

Links to interactive albums: 

Reactable website: 

Basic Demo 1: 

Basic Demo 2: 

Reactable on Wikipedia: 


THE BUTTON GROUP - new London band

   / Indie-Folk, UK          (posted in Danish 2011 Nov. 12th)

Here is a brand new and interesting band. The band was formed around New Year 2010/2011 - the artists are in their 20s and they have according to their Myspace profile no record deal.

The band has recently opened a channel on Youtube and until now it has been seen by a 30 to 40 pieces in total ... so they are brand new - but really cool.

The Button Group has in less than a year already had several of their songs aired in radio BBC Radio 6.

There is not much info about them online yet ...

M U S I C Click:

Their Youtube profile: 

And their Myspace profile: 

MADONNA: 1. single of the next album

   / Pop, USA          (posted in Danish 2011 Nov. 11th)

Madonna's first single from her new album is leaked on the net... But now it can be heard in the official version ...

EDIT: leaks of music is damaging to the music. For example Björk's new album, Vulnicura: it was leaked two months before she was ready to release it, and it could be difficult to sell some albums / downloads, if she did not rush a release in a few days, instead of when it was ready for release. And she rushed it! Leaking makes artists rush releases and loose money.

Here's the video for her new single, Gimme All Your Luvin' (feat. M.I.A. and Nicki Minaj).

The video will be shot in New York December 2011. The album is to be called MDNA, will be published in 2012 and follow up on the album Hard Candy from 2008, which sold 3,8+ million.

Equally interesting are the rumors Madonna fan website says of her upcoming world tour - which is that she should play in Horsens 23/06/2012.

M U S I C Click:

The fansite:

Madonna's website:

TRENTEMØLLER: Reworked / Remixed

   / Electronica, Denmark          (posted in Danish 2011 Nov. 10th)

Format:                2CD

Tracks:                    25    

Playing time:        148 min.  

Published:             07/11/2011
Label:                      In My Room

Spotify:                    Yes
Score (max 5):    ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Trentemøller has released Reworked / Remixed, on which there is remixes of his own and others' tracks, done by himself and other artists, with an accessible, airy atmosphere through the album.

It is an often dreamy collection of tracks, in which you must listen calm and quiet to enjoy it. Dreamy here does not mean "quiet" as thereare changes in style, tempo and intensity. One could easily imagine it being a soundtrack, because of the drama in the songs.

Here are 3 very nice tracks:

The Mole (Chimes & Bells, Trentemøller remix) is one of the typical Trentemøller-remixes. It is great in its labyrinthine approach. The track starts very quietly, but at 1:21 it turns in a different direction, in the otherwise thoughtful number!

Yes Maam (All Nite Long)  (Visti & Meyland, Trentemøller Remix) is a super cool mix of the very exciting Danish House / DJ duo Visti & Meyland, with the world famous super-DJ Peter Visti. That track is shown just below, but remember to see the equally bold original too, find it in the links further below.

No You Girls  (Franz Ferdinand, Trentemøller remix) is an uptempo mix that provides an Electro-Rock / Dance / complex sensation. SU-PER-COOL. As usual it culminates far into the track ... at 4:40 we hear the first chorus for example ... all good things to those who wait :)

This album is of the type you (if one likes electronica) can enjoy listening to many times with an increasing return. Right now I will download it onto the USB stick for the car radio. (Edit, this was before I got a new car radio that plays directly from Spotify via iPhone:-)

M U S I C Click:

Music video: Visti & Meyland - Yes Maam

Trentemøller's website:

Trentemøller on Wikipedia:


JOHN LENNON's tooth sold

   / M U S I C C news          (posted in Danish 2011 Nov. 8th)

At an auction last Saturday in England, a tooth that has been sitting in the mouth of John Lennon, was sold for $ 31.000,-!

It's impressive what teeth may be worth :-) John Lennon's tooth looks somewhat worn out, if you check the link below.

Their former housekeeper's daughter who sold it says, that although it is not possible to do a DNA test on it (as it will ruin it), it still is THE same tooth, John Lennon gave her 40 years ago ... and who would deny when these amounts are at play?

Well, it might be it, and then the question is: why it is necessary to collect old teeth from John Lennon, at such prices? ... But it is - said with John Lennon's words - OK, if that's what does it for them ... or "Whatever gets you through the night, it's allright, it's allright" ;-)

M U S I C Click:

The news in Rolling Stone:



   / Award show          (posted in Danish 2011 Nov. 8th)

And now: one of the serious award shows in Denmark (DMA is not included): The Gaffa Award (Gaffa might be the most dedicated Danish music magazine). On Gaffa's website you can read, the show will take place Thursday 8th of December at 18:30 Bremen Theatre, Copenhagen.

The show has awards in many categories, and readers (that means everybody) are entitled to vote, if you register on Gaffa. I did vote:there are more than 5 - 10 nominees in each category :) a large and exciting selection!

About the show, according to Gaffa:

Galla Show, live music and afterparty

We have a limited number of tickets for the big galla show in Bremen Theatre on December 8, where the following artists will perform:

- When Saints Go Machine
- Ed Sheeran (UK)
- Who Made Who
- Xander feat. Kesi
+ Additional guests

The tickets grants access to a huge afterparty, which both include free beer sponsored by Royal Beer and the opportunity to celebrate with the winners.

Here, one of the nominees ... The Raveonettes.

Edited: look up the winners of The Gaffa Award 2011 on this page:

M U S I C Click:

Gaffa Award 2011:

Ticket sales for the show:

THE HUMAN LEAGUE: "Fascination"

   / Synth-Pop, UK          (posted in Danish 2011 Nov. 3rd)

In March 1983 the English Synth-Pop band The Human League released the single (Keep feeling) Fascination.

It was a song that never appeared on an album - the closest was the really cool EP  Fascination  released in the US.

The single came in 2nd place on the UK Singles Chart, no. 8 on the US Billboard Hot 100 and no. 1 on the Billboard Hot Dance Club Play. For me, it stands as one of the better - if not the best 80's pop song ...

The red spot in the video is a part of the categorization system, the band used for a while on their discs... red label equals Dance-track, blue label equals Pop-track.

Because this video is from before the spread of computer graphics, they found a house that was to be demolished and painted the whole house, the car and part of the street red!

The track was written by the lead singer Philip Oakey in cooperation with Jo Callis, is heard elsewhere ago: In the PC game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (listen to the radio station wave 103), is on two soundtracks in advertising (i.a. Samsung smartphone) and a cartoon.

M U S I C Click:

Info about the band:


SUPAJAN - his next video

   / Hip-Hop, Denmark          (posted in Danish 2011 Nov. 3rd)

SupaJan - "Denmark's second best rapper" which SupaJan call himself, has released a really cool album The New Black (his second album, april 2011). One of the tracks - Evakuer ("Evacuate") are to be made into a musicvideo, now. And you can be part of the video, if you're a fresh hip-hopper. The Hip-Hop collective "Kontra Crew" as SupaJan is part of, says on their Facebook page:

Hey! Kontra Crooks !! So we are going to make another video. This time we do the track "Evacuate" from SupaJans new album "The New Black". So we need a shitload extras, that are ready to party with us. So if YOU are ready, we film saturday 24th between 16 and 20. Location will be announced shortly. At least we can say, it takes place in Copenhagen. Holla, if YOU are fresh!

And that video, we look forward to see ...

Here's another good track from the same disc: Flergangsknald ("More Nights Stand" - summary: he raps about, what kind of girl he would like to score, and when he does, what he'll do to her)

(Edited Jan. 2015 ...) 

Here's the video Evakuer by SupaJan (summary: he raps about, there's too many people backstage, scrounging all the beer and drinks, that's why he'd like to evacuate)

M U S I C Click: 

The track Evakuer


Kontra Crew, Facebook: 

I AM KLOOT - time for listening and wondering

   / Indie-Pop, UK          (posted in Danish 2011 Nov. 2nd)

I am Kloot is an exciting band that emerged in 1999 in Manchester. They have a light and calm sound, relaxed rhythm and a blue / thoughtful mood. Think of it as Chill-Out with lyrics, which has a message and should be heard. You get a feeling like you're driving with 130 km/h, down through the fall in a car that doesn't make a sound.

Here's a number from their super cool CD Gods & Monsters ( 2006): Over My Shoulder.

About the name Kloot: In Dutch it's slang for a testicle, but the band's name comes from the film Klute, where a whore assists a detective, in the search for a missing man. 

The video above is taken from their debut album Natural History, a track named Morning Rain.

I Am Kloot consists of: 

- John Bramwell (lead singer, songwriter, guitarist) 

- Peter Jobson (bass, slide guitar, piano, organ, vocals) 

- Andy Hargreaves (drums, percussion, glockenspiel) 

They released 7 albums until now.

M U S I C Click: 

From album Sky at Night (2010): Northern Skies 

I Am Kloot's website: 


   / M U S I K K zag          (posted in Danish 2011 Nov. 2nd)

... The successor to the e-mail-service "Musik-Spam" starts here. The title changes, since it is not email spam anymore - sorry, both to you who was hassled and you who have asked for more releases :)

The name MUSIKKzag says: Content is about music, (thereof MUSIKK - music is spelled musik in danish) from many angles (therefore SIKKzag) and double "K" is not particularly pretentious (max 4% :D), but because I wanted a unique name, not shared with others - both Musiczag and Music-zag are taken... they are usernames on different sites, and I faced the same problem in danish: Musikzag is a flute ensemble from Denmark, and MUSIK-zag is a poster artist.

... I have checked many spellings and this one is just me and not others - Yeah!

So now we are ready for a flood of "musiphile" news and spot's and trivia and everything - Rock on!

See you soon