

THE REACTABLE - a new musical instrument

   / Instruments, Technology          (posted in Danish 2011 Nov. 12th)

In recent years, interesting "musical instruments" / synthesizers / beatboxes with multi-touch screen (mostly used by electronica artists) has emerged.

The "Reactable" was invented at the University of Barcelona  5 years ago.

It is in fact a computer / synthesizer placed under a circular transparent "board".

Maybe a video just to give an impression of what it really is, will be suitable. First a remix of Rihanna's  Don't Stop The Music , (give it just 45 seconds to start ... and turn off  advertising: click gears > annotaions off) performed on Reactable by "Robbo" ...

A video projector illuminates the tabletop from below.

The important "Tangibles" lies at the edge of the Reactable. A Tangible is a small block with a colored geometric pattern below (and some has patterns on the sides, so the block can be reversed) ...

One notes i.a. that the large / tall block is the one that "contains" audio samples of vocals and so on.

Below: a newer, longer track by ReacTJ, with more blocks in use, but with half a minute before sound starts, then 1½ minute intro - doesn't really "start" until after 4½ minutes.

The computer is programmed to recognize the blocks and each block has different functions (see Basic Demo in the links at the bottom) that affect / create the sound to be output, e.g. rhythm, frequency, samples etc.

Next: the German techno DJ Oliver Huntemann live in a show at The Arches in Glasgow. The music and the show is quite special, but fascinating. He can also be heard on Spotify. More about Oliver Huntemann at the end of the article.

The blocks on The Reactable can be grouped and then they interact. You control the settings of each block by turning it, or use a "panel" that lights up around the block on the table top, with your fingers.

Below: Robbo once more (featuring VP).

There are artists who have started using Reactables now, mostly at electronica / DJ shows. Björk had one on her Voltaic tour ... here she is with the song Declare Independence, which features the Reactable as one of several multitouch instruments. (Fun fact: check at 4:00 - Paul McCartney stands backstage having a good time.)

One of the reasons the Reactable is not yet as widespread, is that it costs up to € 50,000 - ... they are being displayed at shows and big nightclubs, and some technology museums have bought one.

EDIT: Prices have dropped, they can now be bought for between € 6.100,- and € 7.070,- in Europe, depending on whether you want bags and expansion sets, and whether you pick it up in Barcelona or you need delivery.

For ordinary people, Reactable released apps for both iOS (iPhone / iPad) and Android (Phones / Tabs / Pads) for a reasonable price, and they are also quite interesting.

Above we saw a demo / a-half track of Beautyful Life from Gui Borattos new interactive reactable album. An album where he has remixed 4 hits, you can watch, listen and even remix in real time, while the music plays on tablets or smartphones.

That is a very interesting development. Link to the album and Oliver Huntemann's interactive album in App Store / Google Play are below.

M U S I C Click:

Links to interactive albums: 

Reactable website: 

Basic Demo 1: 

Basic Demo 2: 

Reactable on Wikipedia: 

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