

1000LAX - debut album

   / Punk, Sweden          (Released in Danish, 2011 December 19th)

It's just occurred to me that Swedish music has a punk dimension :) I guess they have had one for long, but I haven't heard Swedish punk before.

The Danish / Swedish punk band (who sings in Swedish) 1000LAX ("Thousand Salmons" in English) is an almost entirely new band. They live in Copenhagen, but plays in both countries. They are about to release their debut album (February 2012).

Below: their hit Jag pratar Svenska:

They did an opening act for a Japanese girl punk / pop band (Shonen Knife), they performed at Roskilde Festival and the Distortion Festival ...

Lead singer Jönsson writes:

My mother is Swedish, my father is Danish and I've always been a rebel. 1000LAX is my bloodletting, my confession, my indulgences, it's sex, lax (salmon) and rock'n'roll, it's Jesus against the devil, it's the children against the police. All this along with some of the most promising musicians, and now we release our album February 1st 2012, even on vinyl.

(Below: the song Snabbkaffe)

Other band members according to their website and Facebook page:

Bass: Karlsson
Guitar: Petter Rebelli
Drums: Ronny Maxe 

(But according to "Kulturanstalten" of the City of Copenhagen the musicians are: Martin Ullits Dahl on drums, Gustav Niepoort on guitar and Peter High on bass - the first names must be stage names.) 

M U S I C Click: 

1000LAX website: 

1000LAX on facebook: 

1000LAX 'tour diary: 

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